4 of the Best Raspberry Pi Zero Projects So Far

10 of the Best Raspberry Pi Zero Projects So Far

Do you have school project  And do not know what to do
If you managed to get one, and you’re looking for projects or inspiration for your $5 personal computer, here are ten great Raspberry Pi Zero projects to get you started. 


With this Python script, a pool noodle and some LEDs, you can take the first step into becoming a Jedi by building your own lightsaber! Richard Hayler shows you how. 


The idea is simple: you mount the Pi Zero plus a battery into one end of the pool noodle, along with a few LEDs to create the appearance of an illuminated lightsaber. Safer than the plastic toys, this is a great bit of DIY fun that you can enhance by decorating the “handle” end and if you have enough length, you might be able to build two pool noodle PiSabers. 

2- the Droid You’re Looking For 

Known as R2P10, this features the Pi mounted on the back of a robotized R2-D2 toy (it appears to include the wheels and motors from the CamJam3 kit) and utilizes the Explorer pHAT board, which sits atop the Pi Zero (connecting to the GPIO, so make sure you have soldered the pins on!) Teaming up the Pi Zero with a HAT and a toy like this is a great way to get started with robotics, and with the Explorer pHAT sensors, you should be able to program the droid to move autonomously and avoid objects.

3-A Compact Pi Laptop 

We’ve already seen how the Raspberry Pi can – in some circumstances – be used as a desktop computer. So you won’t be surprised to learn that it can also become the heart of a laptop. Various projects have come to light, from a Motorola Lapdock that has had a Pi Zero retro-fitted to the chassis. 

Indeed, it isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that any old laptop could be given new life with the help of a Raspberry Pi Zero. Meanwhile, to see just what can be achieved with a portable Raspberry Pi Zero, take a look at the Pi Top project, which is a ready-to-buy Raspberry Pi 2 laptop.

4-USB Hub

 While it might not have the glamour of Star Wars or the convenience of a clock, this USB hub is actually quite important because it makes the Raspberry Pi Zero instantly more usable. 

Sure, the slimline dimensions of the tiny Pi Zero might be very useful when it comes to projects like the Smart Drone, where weight and size are major factors, but in most other cases, having an immediately accessible hub of USB inputs will prove very useful for things like a keyboard, mouse and wireless Internet. You might even connect other USB devices, perhaps Bluetooth to adapt the PiBeacon project, or a USB webcam. 

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